Application Security Options

SmartThings Case Study

Application Security Options

Authorization and Authentication Options


  • Intro

  • Terminology

  • OAuth 2

  • JWT Family

  • HTTP Signatures

  • SmartThings Uses

  • Scaling Auth


Jeff Beck

Software at SmartThings

What is SmartThings?

A platform for IoT, connect and automate all your devices.

The Platform

  • Multiple Mobile Clients

  • Many Connected Devices

  • Open API

The Platform

  • >150 μ-services

  • Java, Groovy, Kotlin, Scala, Rust, JavaScript, Swift

  • Grails, Ratpack, SpringBoot, Micronaut, Dropwizard, …​


  • Principal — The entity acting with the credential.

  • Authentication Auth(n) — proving something is the requested principal

  • Authorization Auth(z) — granting what a principal can do

OAuth 2

Two major uses:

  1. Your application has it’s own Authorization Server

  2. Your Application is integrating with a 3rd party

With Authorization Server

This is where you are defining all the clients that integrate with your system. Personally called "OAuth In" as these are things calling to your system to operate on it.


External Integration

This is where you are getting a single client from a 3rd party that your whole application uses. Personally called "OAuth Out" as it is dealing with authorization that is done externally.


Anatomy of an Authorization

  • Clients

  • Grants

  • Scopes

  • Tokens

OAuth Client

The application that is doing the call for authorization.

Parts of a Client

  • Client ID

  • Client Secret

  • Set of Grants

  • Set of Scopes

Optional Parts of a Client

  • Name — Human readable name of a client.

  • Token Expiration — How long should an access token be valid

  • Refresh Expiration — How long should a refresh be valid

  • Redirect URI — Used for Authorization Code, what urls are valid for this client.

OAuth 2 Grants

OAuth grants describe HOW a token is given out. For a given OAuth Client they have a set of acceptable grants available.

Grants Used At SmartThings

  • Authorization Code

  • Client Credentials

  • Implicit

  • Refresh

  • Device OAuth

Authorization Code

The traditional OAuth Grant flow, the user is presented with a authorize page after clicking authorize we redirect back to the 3rd party including an auth code. The 3rd party posts the code and gets the token set back.

Client Credentials

This is a grant that doesn’t have a principal, it just uses the client itself. The client id and secret are used to directly get a token. This is a non principaled version of password grant.


This grant is used internally to the system. It means authentication and authorization have happened outside of oauth.


Used to keep an authorization active.

You send in a refresh token to get a new token and refresh token.

Device OAuth

Really useful for devices with screens but not great input.


What can the client actually do. Always limit integrations to the least needed access (PoLP)

GitHub Example

  • user — Read Write Access to user profile

  • read:user — Just read access to user profile

  • user:email — Read users email address

  • delete_repo — Delete a Repo

SmartThings Scopes

  • Designed to allow PoLP​

  • Fine Grained Scopes limiting access to areas of the platform​

  • Scopes within an area like devices break down more what can ​ be done.


  • Permission – What you can do to the entity​

    • R – Read about the entity​

    • W – Write change things about the entity​

    • X – Execute commands​

  • Entity-Type – What is this? Device, Location, Scene, …​

  • Entity-Id – Which Thing?


  • Location with 2 Devices​

  • Device 123: Smart lock​

  • Device 555: Temperature sensor

r:devices:123, r:devices:555​

  • Can Read the state of all details of the devices 123 and 555.​

  • Can’t execute commands​

  • Can’t write device details like changing the name of the device

r:devices:*, x:devices:123​

  • Can Read the state of all details of the devices 123, 555.​

  • Can execute commands for 123​

  • Can’t write device details like changing the name of the device​

  • Can’t execute commands on 555


  • Access

  • Refresh

Access Token​

  • Shorter lived​

  • Used to access the APIs themselves​

  • Sent many times​

Refresh Token​

  • Should be stored securely​

  • Allows getting new access tokens​

  • Sent infrequently​

  • Long lived

JWT Family

  • JWS - JSON Web Signature

  • JWT - JSON Web Token

  • JWE - JSON Web Encryption


A way of signing, allows us to trust the data being exchanged.


  • Allows keeping data client-side such as user or id without worry of tampering

  • Enables JWT


An open way of representing security claims. Built off of JWS.

What are they good for?

  • They can be used as an access token; providing a self encoded token.

  • Reduce datastore calls for the credentials.



What in that?

  header: { alg: 'HS256' },
   { iss: '',
     aud: '',
     sub: '',
     info: 'Hello World!',
     list: [ 1, 2, 3 ],
     exp: 1558886943,
     iat: 1558883343 }

Try It

Key to Verify Signature


JWT Notes

  • Payload is in plaintext. JWE Can Address

  • Hard to Revoke

  • Can get very long for headers

  • Great way to reduce hops


A standard way of encrypting the payload of a JWT.



Whats In There

   { alg: 'PBES2-HS384+A192KW',
     enc: 'A192GCM',
     p2c: 1000,
     p2s: 'UEJFUzItSFMzODQrQTE5MktXAINdGmkcH7za' },
   { iss: '',
     aud: '',
     sub: '',
     info: 'Hello World!',
     list: [ 1, 2, 3 ],
     exp: 1558886943,
     iat: 1558883343 }

HTTP Signatures

A way to sign the content of a request, protects from tampering and replays. Also easy validate without many external calls.

Where have I seen that?

  • Joyent

  • AWS API — But not exactly

  • Slack Calls — But custom

How Does It Work?

Creates a digest of things like the date and host headers that are signed. The public keys can be provided at a known URL and highly cached.





HTTP Signature Notes

  • Only Sign Parts of the request that aren’t transformed

    • Exclude rate limit headers, forwarded for etc

  • Expose a SET of Public Keys to allow rolling them

  • Receiver of the call decides to check the signature

SmartThings Uses

OAuth IN

  • API Integrations

    • Mobile Client

    • SmartApps

    • Automation Integrations

    • Service Providers

HTTP Signatures

  • Outbound Calls to SmartApps

  • Used to allow 3rd party to very we are who we say

OAuth Out

  • Integrations with other clouds

    • Voice Agents - Alexa/Google Home

    • Cloud devices - Arlo


  • Web Sessions

  • Token Exchange at edges

Scaling Auth

What makes auth at scale hard?

  • Centralized by Default

  • High Cardinality for Everything

  • Can’t break legacy


Overtime you may have multiple auth systems, different backends.

Token Type Detection

If you are supporting multiple token types such as JWT and opaque. You will want to handle them differently.

  • 1323.443.23 — Looks like JWT because of the .

  • 234-23-22 — Looks like an opaque token with -

Prefixing Tokens

We can support many data stores with prefixes allowing quick routing.


Prefixing Tokens

We can extend to allow client side routing


Token Exchange

If you expect all μ-services to check a forwarded token you pay the token check time every hop.


Exchange for JWT



The high cardinality of auth systems tend to make operating them very challenging at scale.

Allow/Deny Lists

  • Ability to very early on in process to block bad actors

  • Can load lists in bloom filters

Human Readable

  • Add names to clients

  • Quick Methods to Allow/Deny access based on easy identifiers

Other Tips

  • Scope Aliasing

  • Logging Prefixes of Tokens

Errors At Scale

Small blips can easily cause big issues.

Special Case Errors

If you are cascading calls make sure to agree on what an auth failure means. Instead of auth failure resulting in a 4XX default to a known 5XX.

Error Story

  1. A datastore failed so we started returning a 500 from the auth server.

  2. App Servers treated an auth 500 as a 401

  3. Mobile clients got 401s and triggered refreshing tokens

  4. Mobile clients put more pressure on the already failing datastore

  5. Go back to 1

Diligent Error Codes (401/403/5XX)

  • 401 — Means get a new token

  • 403 — Means don’t do that again

  • 5XX — Try again but coordinate jitter and back off


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